Welcome to St Peter’s Titchfield, the oldest church in Hampshire,
where Christians have been coming to worship God for more than 1300 year.
Link to short video on the history of St Peter’s Church
Our Vision Statement
Welcoming all, Celebrating Life, Sharing the Journey
What’s On’ at St Peter’s Church
As well as all our events listed in the Events Calendar on the right, here are the services and activities for the next week:-
- Thursday 16th 10am Holy Communion (BCP) 1:30pm Western Wards meeting
- Friday 17th 11:30am “Coffee Break” (Chapter Room)
- Saturday 18th 9am Lego and Crafts Club
- Sunday 19th 10am Parish Communion with Holy Baptism
- Thursday 23rd 10am Holy Communion (CW) 12noon Funeral (Shirley Jenkins)
- Friday 24th 11:30am “Coffee Break” (Chapter Room)
- Saturday 25th 9am Ladies Breakfast (Chapter Room)
- Sunday 26th 10am Parish Communion
Other activities to note the dates and get involved in…………..
- Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 11th January 2025 at 8.30am in the Chapter Room. Full breakfast and a guest speaker. Sign up sheet at the back of church Men’s Breakfast Saturday 11th January 8.30 am – In the Chapter Room for a full English Breakfast with a Guest Speaker (10 mins max) and plenty of time to talk to one another. Further details from Mark Hunt.
There is a sign up sheet at the back of church.
- Lego and Crafts Club – Saturday 18th January at 9am in the Chapter Room
- Ladies Breakfast – Saturday 25th January at 9am in the Chapter Room. Sign up sheet at the back of church
Who We Are
We are a lively, diverse and inclusive community, seeking to grow in the Christian faith and to live out our faith in the world around us.
Our services vary from traditional to modern please come along to one of our services. You will be very welcome!
If you would like to know more about the Christian faith, talk to us about baptism, confirmation or arranging a wedding or funeral, please contact the church office where there will be someone available on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings or at other times telephone 01329 847003 to leave an answerphone message.
The October issue of our Parish Magazine, Titchfield News, is now available to buy in church. The price is £1.00. Link to previous editions > older editions of Titchfield News
Annual subscriptions to the magazine cost £5.00 for 6 copies. If you would like a subscription please contact Gerry Pontefract by text message on: 07818 568034 and she will see if there is a distributor for your area.
The church can now Accept Donations Online. These can be for either £5, £10, £20 or £50. Please click the button on the right to make your donation
Sunday 19th January
The Second Sunday of Epiphany
10.00 am Parish Communion The Rev’d Ian Meredith
with Holy Baptism The Rev’d Penny Thatcher
1 Corinthians 12. 1-11 and John 2. 1-11
In Church and also Live streamed above
and followed by refreshments in church
Previous Services
Click here to view a list of previous service recordings on our Youtube Channel
Our Prayer Diary
Our weekly Prayer diary is available by looking on the worship section.
A daily Bible Reading and Psalm can be found here