Annual Meetings 2021

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners followed by The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) takes place on 18th April at 11am. It will be different this year due to the continuing restrictions in place preventing meetings in church. Consequently a small number of PCC members will be in church to lead the meeting and everyone else will attend online via Zoom.
Anyone living within the Parish and included on Fareham Borough Council Electoral Register can attend the first short meeting of Parishioners which elects two Churchwardens. Both our current Churchwardens have agreed to stand for a further year.
Only members of the Church Electoral Roll can attend the APCM. This year the meeting will elect one new member to PCC and one to the Deanery Synod as well as re-elect 3 current PCC members who have agreed to serve a further term.
Nomination forms for all roles are available here. A proposer should complete the form on behalf of the nominee and email it to Helen Andrews, our PCC Secretary ( The seconder is asked to send an email to Helen indicating their support for the nomination.
Please contact the church office ( by 15 April to indicate whether you want to attend the meetings or to give your apologies. All those choosing to attend will be sent a Zoom link to the meeting by Saturday 17 April.