Bell-ringers at St Peter’s Church Titchfield.
Ringing times: SUNDAY 9.15-10.00 am
Practice Night: WEDNESDAY 7.30-9.00pm, every week except Ash Wednesday and Wednesday before Easter (Holy Week)
Bells: 6; tenor 12 cwt.
We are an active band, ringing rounds to Surprise Minor. Visitors of any standard, from beginners upwards, are always welcome.
We are currently looking for more people to join us.
Have you learnt to ring but have not done so for a while? Why not come & meet us and refresh your skill?
Would you like to find out more about bell ringing and learn a new skill? Then come and have a try!
For further information : Come up to the ringing room on Wednesday evening
Pop in before 10.00am Sunday service
Contact our tower captain :
Lyndon Hatfield 01329 849921
We ring for Weddings (a fee applies) and we are willing to ring a quarter peal (taking about 45 minutes) for special occasions such as Weddings and Anniversaries and to mark village events.