Home Group Meal July 2015

22 members of our various Home Groups met at The Bugle on Tuesday 7 July for a shared meal. This was a wonderful culmination of another year’s study and fellowship. We gathered at a large table at the far side of the Bar and Susan welcomed everyone, explaining that we were going to follow the Eucharist during our meal. This linked in with the final study session of the year which was looking at Communion and to help us understand and reflect.
The meal started with Susan leading us in confession, giving us Absolution and then blessing the bread. As this was passed round the table we each gave The Body of Christ to our neighbour before passing them the plate. Once the plate returned to Susan, our main course was served. This was a pleasant opportunity to put into practice “Communion” because the groups were mixed round the table so we were able to talk to people we did not know well.
The Body of ChristThe Body of Christ

After desert we were lead in Intercessions by Ian and Penny. Kay read from St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and Susan brought everything together with a brief sermon. Finally the Communion Cup from Church was filled with wine and blessed. This again was passed round the table with each of us giving The Blood of Christ to our neighbour before passing them the cup.
The Blood of ChristThe Blood of Christ

Sitting in the pub while others stood at the bar socialising and drinking while we shared The Eucharist was a thought provoking and novel experience, definitely a Fresh Expression of our faith. I just wonder how the locals felt seeing us practising our faith so openly?
After such a lovely evening of fellowship, I look forward to the Home Groups resuming in September and pray that next summer we will once again join together in a meal with a twist.
