Summer Show

We will be holding our Annual Summer Show from Monday 27th July to Saturday 29th August between 10am and 4.30 pm each day, except Sundays, in the Church.
Entrance free; coffee, tea, juices & biscuits available.
There will be various Crafts, jewellery, cards, jams, chutney,books, stoneware, wood turning, glass engraving, prints, paintings, bags, textiles, toys, etc. available at the show. There will also be a display by the Titchfield History Society as well as other information.
10% of proceeds will be donated to MacMillan nurses, Rowans hospice & Mountbatten hospice.
Spinners will be demonstrating their work during the week of Mon 3rd August to Fri 7th August.
We look forward to welcoming you.