Like all Church of England churches, St Peter’s is entirely self-funding. Gifts of time, talent or skill are important and much appreciated and the same applies to financial giving. Generous giving of financial support is a reflection of our gratitude to God for all that we have received from Him.
Every pound received makes a difference to how we fulfil mission and ministry in our Parish. We share the stewardship of all the resources we are given.
How to give…
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) This is the best method of giving to our church and so we encourage as many people as possible to select this option. The major benefit of PGS is that donations are received regularly as is gift aid on that donation if the donor selects the option. Regular giving makes it easier for the church to budget and plan. Forms are available in church but it is also possible to sign up or manage changes to your donation by clicking this link: ““. St Peter, Titchfield Church ID: 290629025
QR Code You can scan this QR code which will take you to the donations page where you can select your donation and confirm the transaction:
Standing Order You can set up an arrangement with your bank so that regular payments are made directly to the church account. Donations can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. St Peter’s bank account details:
Account name: PCC of Titchfield
Sort code: 30-93-17
Account No. 00412040
Yellow Envelopes These are available at the back of church. It is possible to gift aid your donation by completing the details on the front of the envelope. On Sundays, your envelope can be posted into the offerings box at the back of church. During the week, envelopes can go into the wall safe to the right of the West door.
Cheques Cheques should be made payable to ‘PCC of Titchfield’.
NB St Peter’s has to pay bank charges for cheques to be processed.
Donation Station A card payment machine is permanently available at the back of church. It is easy to use and helpful if wanting to make a one off donation.
Legacies Have you considered leaving something to St Peter’s in your will? Such a gift can be an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving to God and will help to support future ministry and mission in this place. There are leaflets in church about this option.