St Peter’s Cookbook

Here are some guidelines for those wishing to contribute to St Peter’s Cookbook.

  1. We are looking for original recipes, not copied directly from another cookbook (to avoid copyright issues). However, if you have significantly adapted a recipe, that should be OK.

  2. The book will be divided into four parts linked to seasons and church festivals: Lent & Easter, St Peter’s-tide, Harvest, then Advent to Epiphany. We will welcome your special seasonal recipes.

  3. Although St Peters is famous for its cakes we are looking for a wide range of recipes, the more unusual the better. Also we want to include:

    • Some recipes for people with dietary needs, i.e. vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.

    • Ideas for cooking with children / family meals / meals-for-one etc.

    • Special occasions

  1. We would like the recipes to be healthy and easy to follow.

  2. Please submit your recipe using the pro-forma layout attached. Where possible, we would appreciate it if the recipe was either typed or submitted electronically.

  3. If you can, please give measures in metric units, including oven temperature in ºCentigrade. Don’t forget to include cooking times.

  4. The box for Your Name should be printed as you would wish it to appear in the book. If you don’t want to be acknowledged, add “Anon.”, but please fill in the box so we know who you are. Other contact details will not be published, and are only for our use, should we need to contact you.

  5. The editorial team will select recipes to give readers a wide range of options. This may mean that not all recipes can be included but we hope that you will still nevertheless send us your contributions.

  6. Please return completed forms before 8th April 2018 either by email to whilst paper copies can be left at the Church Office. Unfortunately, we will not be able to include any recipes received after this date.

  7. All profits from the cookbook will be used to support St Peter’s Church.

Thank you in anticipation for your contribution.

Please click here for the form to fill in

The Cookbook Team